When I lost my excuses…

In my last post I talked a lot about how I began, and a little about my why, but I talked more about leaving excuses in the dust..

Sure, I still make them nearly daily, they however do not have the same affect. I try not to let my excuses cripple me from attaining my goals.

Needless to say I have attained some pretty fantastic results in the past couple months. Gaining results has been nothing short of very hard work, dedication, and commitment. I can’t imagine now not having the routine that I have now. I prep my meals, and my snacks, I log my meals every couple days to make sure my macros are lined up, and I work hard. I’m not afraid to do things low impact, in order to avoid injury or increase endurance, but low impact is not by any means low intensity! I feel the differences since I started, and people around me see the differences. I am able to wear clothes that have been tucked away in my closet for years, and feel confident.

Embarking on this journey has brought me so many results aside from my pounds and inches lost.  I am more positive, I am more confident, I am happier, and I am more present… just to name a few things.  Yes I still struggle, there are days that I am grumpy, and just in a bad mood, but those days are so much fewer.

I guess I should share my actual results. 🙂 I mentioned before that I started taking pictures of progress in March however I didn’t begin to take measurements until April 1st.

My results from April 1st to August 4th
Left: August 4, Right: March 23
Left: August 4, Right: March 23

When I started working out I was 210lbs, and a lot of inches, and a lot of fat. It was incredibly difficult for me to drop below 200lbs and that took a toll on me. It was crazy hard for me to keep in mind that I was gaining muscle left and right, but muscle weighs so much more than fat.

I set some guidelines for myself, to help my mental health, and body image.

1.I don’t weigh myself without my trainer, ( I broke this once. I was so incredibly happy with the numbers on the scale but it made my anxiety for my next check in basically horrible. I was terrified that the numbers wouldn’t be the same….) I keep in mind that even a bad measurement day does not mean the end of the world, it means time to make sure I’m committed, and check my priorities.

2.I measure once a month. that is all.

Okay maybe I only set two real guidelines when it comes to tracking progress, and I get so excited about the progress, even when to me the numbers seem small.

I’m so blessed to have this amazing fit fam who celebrate small successes with me, and say “okay whats next” I am always looking for the next goal, and next challenge to get stronger.

Be gentle with yourself success is a Marathon not a Sprint,



Author: strongerfortoday

I’m never really sure what to say here, so I guess rambling it is My favorite things include: My kiddo, Working out (obviously), Helping people, Rain, Mountains, The Ocean, Making Lists, Kansas City, Huskers. I started this blog to capture my journey to fitness, to share the things I am learning day to day in my life. It’s not just about fitness, although it may seem like it at times. This is about one journey, my journey. I often check in at the gym, and have some little inspirational quip about how great the workout was, or how it was just what I needed (I always need a good workout). I often though have more I want to say, and it would just overload social media, so I don’t. Here is a place for me to share my insights, and some of my struggles. Balance is key. so here goes nothing… Also thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope it can be encouraging to you, or someone you know.

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