Year two.

Year one was incredible.

Year two was not.

Year three will be INCREDIBLE (again).

This year as I reached my Gym-iversary, I reminded myself how far I’ve come. This is my nod to my successes, failures, struggles, and accomplishments. Here I will leave my lessons, and hopes for the future.

In year one, I was challenged and naive, I was so excited about the fitness world. Everything was so new, and I jumped in head over heals, and it was magical. That year there was a lot of magic. I lost a lot of weight, learned to eat well, and smashed some real cool goals like running my first half-marathon.

Year two, I fell. hard.

I let so much of what I told myself wouldn’t, happen. I got amazingly overwhelmed by the social pressure, and found myself relying on socialization to make it to the gym, until injury struck, and I found myself in a place where I HAD to do this solo, and remember why I’m doing this. I ended up having 3 total injuries in 2017, and not all were workout related. I found that my body was partly failing me, and had I not been eating well (ish at the time) and exercising I would have been in a lot more trouble than I was in. I had to have a couple really hard deep soul searching moments to remember my “why”, to remember what got me started in the first place.  A lot of days I still have to remind myself about it, in some real ways.

(A lot happened in year two, that I’m nodding to, and walking away from, in attempt to better myself)

Year three. The year of the Marathon.

Back to Basics. To remember who we want to be we have to remember who we were, and not let it over take us. The fitness cycle is not all weight-loss, and race PR’s, it has some really low moments, moments where you question everything, and moments you push through and keep going.




Author: strongerfortoday

I’m never really sure what to say here, so I guess rambling it is My favorite things include: My kiddo, Working out (obviously), Helping people, Rain, Mountains, The Ocean, Making Lists, Kansas City, Huskers. I started this blog to capture my journey to fitness, to share the things I am learning day to day in my life. It’s not just about fitness, although it may seem like it at times. This is about one journey, my journey. I often check in at the gym, and have some little inspirational quip about how great the workout was, or how it was just what I needed (I always need a good workout). I often though have more I want to say, and it would just overload social media, so I don’t. Here is a place for me to share my insights, and some of my struggles. Balance is key. so here goes nothing… Also thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope it can be encouraging to you, or someone you know.

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