Day 1… 151 days to go…

Last Sunday I ran/walked what was one of my WORST half marathons… it was by far my slowest, which in a lot of ways makes sense {that’s a post for another time}..

So after a Half I generally always take the next day off training of any kind, just to let my body recover. So Tuesday being two days post Half Marathon it was time to start training for the next thing….. Chicago.

Talking with friends Tuesday night the one word of advice they had for myself and my poor friend I am dragging along with me was… TRAIN…. your other workouts are bonus, now is the time to focus in on running.. nothing else matters (obviously cross-training is super important to reduce risk of injury).. but…

Nothing else is going to prepare you better for running 26.2 miles than running.

This is something I have heard over and over.. something I know it true, but it’s daunting. My friend and I looked at each other, and later encouraged the other that we are not going to die, because this race has become priority #1 in training, we discussed “Runger” {you know.. that feeling of ravenous hunger from all the miles you are running….. but trying desperately to stay on your meal plan…..} and how to stay accountable.. which I really kinda suck at. Anyone else clam up and want to hide when trying to be held accountable?  {I see you, lets figure this out together}

Presently I have 22 weeks to The Chicago Marathon.. Two weeks low impact {which by the way is SUPER hard for me to do, but I need to.. I have to allow time for my foot to heal… also a story for another time} then a 20 week pyramid essentially of training which after 6 weeks I will join a marathon training class at my local Fleet Feet Sports store… {sometimes I need someone else to tell me how to run}

So here are my workouts this week:

Sunday: 13.1

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: 3.10 on the Elliptical

Wednesday: 45 minutes of Boot camp

Thursday: Power Yoga

Friday: 55 minute bootcamp + 20min Elliptical

Saturday: Rest

Anyone else get overwhelmed when looking for a training plan!? because I do, everytime!

So for now I’m taking my training one day at a time.
