Ramblings and insights in the last month.

So its been a month since I posted last, and since then I have been trying to make time to blog and then somehow procrastinating. wowzah.

In the last four weeks I have:

-Ran my longest distance prior to Race day. 10.2 miles.

-Increased my Medium weight

-Set my next big goal… (stay-tuned after the Halfsy is over I will disclose it.. )

– taken risks

-made a point to be positive

-helped over 430 homeless individuals get connected to much needed services.

–  Oh! and I did a Spin class!

Risk is never something that is easy for me. I don’t enjoy leaving my comfort zone, and believe it or not speaking my mind is crazy hard for me. However all the magic happens outside of your comfort zone.. My trainer likes to integrate new things into my workouts/meal plan,  what ever we happen to be working on at the moment. More often than not I will have some weird look on my face, and dissecting the movement, processing the how, and then preparing myself for when she says I have to do it. Change and risk can be hard, but why not become it rather than be mowed over by it. I have learned that new is not bad, but that I need to be ready for it, get ahead of it if possible.

For the past two years I have had the amazing opportunity to help with Project Homeless Connect. Project Homeless Connect is an amazing even at which homeless, or low income individuals are able to get access to much needed services,  whether that is medical care, or employment opportunities. It is the highlight of my working year, and so amazing! It reminds me why I work in behavioral health, and why I want to help people.

All in all I want to help people. My Trainer started a “fit-fam” group on Facebook, and as it has developed so organically, I have been able to be encouraged by these gals, but also encourage them. These ladies are a great source of laughs, and accountability! This group came along just when I needed it, and I am so grateful for each one of them, and where they are in their journey! A few of us have decided to do a 5k on thanksgiving, which is going to be a blast. none of us are going for time, we are just going to do it, and do it together. One of the gals was saying she wanted a medal, even if it was made of paper. Within the next 20 minutes we had found amazing medals that we as a group were ready to order, that are special to us as a TEAM! I am so Blessed to have these gals on my Team, and to be apart of theirs!

The Day I decided to do my longest Run, I also made the genius decision to take my first Spin class! Which by the way was amazing.. I think this was probably a poor choice, but I did my long run, and crushed it. By mile 4 I texted my good friend, asking if It would be okay if I only did 9 miles. she told me no, I had another mile in me, and to keep moving my feet. By mile 6.5 I texted my trainer and another good friend asking them to remind me why I wanted to run this race. The response was amazingly encouraging, It can be summed up with I am running this race because in the past I couldn’t. I want to have the persistence and determination to complete such a feat. I can and I will. When it comes to my fitness life, that is my new mantra. I can and I will. This will probably continue to be my mantra through the next year as I take on some big goals, and learn to lift more, build more strength, and grow as a person. Image result for running motivation

Two weeks from today I will have already completed my First Half Marathon. I will have ran half my age in miles. And I will have celebrated the turning of another year so hard. I am determined that 26  will be the fittest I will have ever been, and the best year yet!


Thanks for reading my ramblings, maybe if I wrote more often it wouldn’t feel like I’m rambling. 🙂


Image result for running motivation

Up next: Preparing for the Plateau.


Author: strongerfortoday

I’m never really sure what to say here, so I guess rambling it is My favorite things include: My kiddo, Working out (obviously), Helping people, Rain, Mountains, The Ocean, Making Lists, Kansas City, Huskers. I started this blog to capture my journey to fitness, to share the things I am learning day to day in my life. It’s not just about fitness, although it may seem like it at times. This is about one journey, my journey. I often check in at the gym, and have some little inspirational quip about how great the workout was, or how it was just what I needed (I always need a good workout). I often though have more I want to say, and it would just overload social media, so I don’t. Here is a place for me to share my insights, and some of my struggles. Balance is key. so here goes nothing… Also thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope it can be encouraging to you, or someone you know.

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